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Services Offered  Asheville N.C., 

  • Deep Tissue •  Trigger Point  •  Myofascial  • Swedish •  Sports  •  Shiatsu •






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My conscious therapeutic massage is focused on offering you relief from injuries, chronic pain conditions, and giving your nervous system space to drop into relaxation.

I offer a range of modalities and customize each session to ensure you get the type of bodywork that will provide you with the deepest relief.  My pain and injury recovery based modalities are conscious deep tissue massage, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy. Conscious Deep Tissue is slower firmer pressure that targets your deeper muscles, while being conscious of the unique amount of pressure that your body needs . Myofascial release helps open up stiff connective tissue, and Trigger Point Massage helps to relieve painful muscle knots. I also offer crystal massage sessions that are focused on soothing techniques and energy work to help bring the energy body back into balance and to bring you into a deep state of relaxation.

Helpful For: People with chronic tension, tight muscles, injuries, and those who train hard and need help improving their mobility and muscle function. 


My Ritual Bath services create an indulgent, at home spa experience. Your own bathroom is transformed with a combination of beautiful crystals, energetically corresponded herbs, color magic and symbolic action. This is an experience that is luxurious, deeply relaxing, and empowers you to take a deeper part in your healing process.

Ritual baths are planned around an intention which is a desired goal or outcome. A ritual bath includes different components that are meant to create a very aesthetically pleasing environment, and to stimulate all of the five senses. The different components used also carry a symbolic meaning. Herbs are chosen based on your intention. Symbolic action in a ritual bath can include meditation, visualization, eating, burning something, or affirmations depending on the ritual.
Helpful For: People who are feeling energetically disconnected, seeking to feel more empowered in their lives, crave a more nourishing self care practice, or feel like they want to experience more pleasure and play in their lives.


Empowered Mind: Intuitive Tarot Readings

Tarot is a deck of 78 cards. Each card is full of symbolism and imagery that helps form a connection between the conscious mind and subconscious mind. Tarot helps clear some of the noise that's coming from the critical mind and helps give your subconscious room to speak.

In a reading I begin by entering an intuitive state and connecting with you energetically, this helps open a pathway of communication to your higher self. I use the tarot as a visual tool to see what messages are coming through for you. These messages can be general or around more specific matters depending on our intention for the reading. My intuitive tarot readings take a visual approach that brings the client into the process, and helps bring the cards to life. 

Helpful For: People who want to tap in to their intuition, looking for spiritual guidance, feeling energetically off, wanting to make more intuitive decisions, wanting guidance on what energy centers need more support. 


Conscious Therapeutic Massage  - Ritual Bath Services - Intuitive Tarot Readings - Myofascial Release - Deep Tissue Massage in Asheville N.C.



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